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Abavas ieleja, īpaši aizsargājama kultūrvēsturiska teritorija

Kandava, Tukuma novads, Latvija, LV-3295

Nature Park "Abavas senleja" ("Ancient valley of Abava") was established in 1999, but already since 1957, it is included in Latvias protected areas. The ancient valley of River Abava is one of the most expressed river valleys in Latvia. It had formed when the glaciers melted away. The area of the park is 14933 ha. Its a territory with magnificent landscape - river valleys, scenary of meadows and slopes, and geographical values. Here is a geobotanical variety -you can see more that 50 endangered plant species, as well as, variety of perfect habitats. Eleven protective geological monument are found within valley, including rock outcrops, caves, springs, waterfalls. Similar as other river valleys, Abavas valley is one of floristicaly richest region in Latvia, with many species that are found only in Latvia. Next to Kandava is locate Shrubby Cinquefoil habitat - unique calcareous transition swamp that in Latvia is the only one with natural plant – the shrubby cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides fruticosa). Valley has a typical mosaic of: spruce - broad-leaved, pine and birch forests, juniper grove meadows, and fields.

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